Composite veneers
Composite veneers represent a cheaper way of solving the esthetic problems in the frontal part of the teeth row. The indications are identical to ceramic facets and they are frequently used as a diagnostic method in the planning stage of making ceramic veneers when after the composite veneers of the adequate shape and size ceramic veneers are made as a permanent solution.
Their advantage lies in the fact that they can be made in a single visit, are easy to repair and are not very expensive. Despite the fact that the composite veneers look good at the end of the treatment, their drawback lies in the fact that they get the food and beverage color and from time to time require polishing.
They can be precisely positioned only on the teeth with diastema and free space with no consequences to the supportive teeth tissue. The discomfort correction in the teeth row by means of composite veneers without filing leads, in most cases, to chronic inflammation of the soft tissue and periodontitis. In such cases it is necessary either to have ceramic veneers with minimal preparations or an orthodontic treatment.